Top 73 Creepiest/Scariest Places On Earth

This is my list of what I think the top 73 creepiest/ scariest places are on earth. I'm not including places that have been either completely destroyed or almost completely destroyed. So this list includes places that still exist in 2021.

Places that are worth mentioning, but that aren't included on the list because they've either been completely destroyed or almost completely destroyed are:

Borley Rectory 

This place was built in 1863 and it was demolished in 1944. Legend says that in the rectory a nun and a monk had fallen in love. But they were both caught. The monk was then executed and the nun was taken prisoner. The nun eventually died. It was said that their ghosts haunted the building after that.

Korean Gongjian Psychiatric hospital

This place was located in South Korea. It was a hospital that was believed to be haunted by ghosts of korean wars and patients of the crazy ward. Legend says that all of the insane patients in the hospital all started to mysteriously die at the same time. After that, the hospital was closed. And eventually, the hospital was torn down.

Chaeteau Miranda

This place was located in Belgium. This castle was built by French aristocrats. During and after World War 2, it was an orphanage. The castle was abandoned in 1980 and many ghost hunters explore this place. Chateau Miranda looks like something straight out of a horror movie.

Wonderland amusement park

This was a Disney style amusement park that was never finished being constructed. Construction stopped in 1998 because of a dispute about land prices.


Helltown was an area in Ohio. This place was said to be haunted and it involved stories with KKK members, satanists and mental patients. Most of Helltown has been torn down.

Byeberry mental asylum
This was an insane asylum that was shut down because of the mistreatment to its patients. There are several creepy stories from inside this place, including one where patients broke a woman into pieces and spreaded the pieces around the hospital.

Anderlecht veterinary school

After this building was abandoned, it was filled with things like questionable fluids with animal heads and random animal body parts in them. Some of the animal parts were even sewn together with animal brains and other random body parts. And the fluids smelled very bad. Eventually this building was torn down.

Takakonoma Greenland Park

This park was shut down years ago due to the many human deaths on rides. After it was abandoned, it was constantly being taken over by the wilderness. The park was eventually torn down.

San Zhi resort

These UFO like houses were built to be a seaside resort. But after many times of people getting killed here, the government shut it down. These houses have now been torn down.

Hellingly hospital
This was an insane asylum that was built in 1903. After the asylum was abandoned, it just became a big creepy abandoned asylum. The asylum was a reminder of what it's patients faced. Today most of the buildings of the asylum have been torn down.

Now onto the list.

73. Staten Tugboat Island

Located in New York, this is a place where hundreds of tugboats and other types of boats lay abandoned.

72. Ryugyong Hotel 

Located in North Korea, this is a large abandoned hotel that never got finished being constructed.

71. Tower of Silence 

Located in India, this is a place were a group of people called the Zorostrians burry their dead. Bodies are placed on a structure that is raised into the air. It is considered a sacred place and it is forbidden for people to visit.

70. Charleville castle 

Located in Ireland, this castle is said to be haunted by a girl who broke her neck while trying to slide down the tallest tower. Many paranormal investigators visit this castle.

69. Mirny Diamond Mine 

Located in Russia, this is a man made hole that is 525 meters deep, and its diameter is 1,200 meters. The mine produced 10 million carts of diamonds during its peak years of operation each year. Eventually the mine was abandoned in 2004 when further digging efforts became too difficult. Airspace over the mine is restricted for flying because helicopters have been sucked into the hole by downwards airflow.

68. Willard Asylum 

Located in New York, this asylum was built in 1869 and it was closed in 1995. At its peak this asylum housed 4,000 patients and most of the 50,000 patients who went to the asylum died here.

 67. Ruins of Detroit 

Detroit has a downtown area that is abandoned and falling apart like crazy. This abandoned area of detroit is a reminder to a time in detroit that is gone.

66. Holy Land USA 

Located in connecticut, this was a Bible themed park, that was abandoned after the ownder John Greco died in 1986. also a teenager was killed on the abandoned grounds of the park in 2010. The park continjues to get more creepy as it continues to deteriorate.

65. Humber Stone and La Noria 

Located in Chille, this use to be a mining town. In this town, slavery occurred and many men, women and children died. The town is now abandoned and claimed to be haunted. It is said that at night, ghosts walk around the town and it is claimed that sometimes ghostly figures appear in photos taken at the town. There are also Skeletol remains on the ground all over the town.

64. Endinburgh castle

Located in Scotland, this is a castle that is said to be haunted. In the castle, there is said to be spirits of a drummer without a head, a lone piper and ghosts of French prisoners from the Seven Years War. And there's said to be ghosts of Colonial prisoners from the Revolutionary War. There are reports of people hearing the headless drummers drumbeat whenever the castle has been under attack. There have been also reports of seeing ghosts of prisoners in the dungeons. People have claimed to have seen shadowy figures, they also claim there were sudden drops in temperature, something tugging at their clothes, something touching their face, a burning sensation and the feeling of being watched.

63. Riddle House
Located in florida, this is a house that was built in 1905. This house is said to be haunted. a servant killed himself upstairs and be is now said to haunt this house.

62. Alcatraz

Located in San-Francisco, this was a prison between 1933 and 1963. This prison was designed to hold prisoners who caused problems in other prisons.

61. Tuol Sleng

Located in Cambodia, this was once a place of torture. Soldiers in the Cambodian war were held captive here and they were tortured by by being electrocuted and whipped.

60. Odessa Catacombs 

Located in India, this was originally a limestone mine in the 19th century. But stone mining was banned after the Russian Revolution. Soviet partisans used the catacombs for hiding during World War 2. The government sealed off the entrances in 1980. And it later became a popular place to explore. There are many tunnels inside the catacombs and you could get lost in there.

59. Six Flags New Orleans

This amusement park was originally called Jazzland when it opened in 2000. The lease for this park was bought by six flags in 2002.  A year later the park was re named to Six Flags New Orleans. In 2005, huricane Katrina struck the park causing massive damage on the park. After that, the park was abandoned and it now looks like a zombie apocalypse site.

58. Candido Godoi

Located in Brazil, this is a town that produces large amounts of twin births. Some people believe that this was caused when nazi doctor Joseph mengel performed twin experiments to increase the aryan population. And he continued his experiments in candido goodoi. Other people speculate that the many twim births were caused by inbreeding or toxic waste.

57. Ghost city of Fengdu

Located in China, this place is built on the side of a mountain. This place is dedicated to the budized concept of hell. There are many statues of demons and there are also disturbing statues of demons torturing people in what looks like the underworld.

56. El Hotel del Salto

Located in Columbia, this is an abandoned hotel that's built on a cliff side overlooking a waterfall. It was abandoned because of water pollution. Many people have also committed suicide here. People now claim that the hotel is haunted with hundreds of ghosts. People also claim that spirits of the dead climb out of the river and back into the hotel, where they continue to roam the corridors.

55. Door to Hell

Located in Turkmenistan, this place was created in 1971 when soviet geologists were drilling a hole in the ground looking for gas and oil. They then found a giant casyum filled with methane gas. so they tried to get rid of the gas with fire. the fire continued to burn and formed a giant hole with fire that still burns today. Also for some reason spiders like cuddling up next to this hole.

54. Mariana Trench

Located in the western pacific ocean, this place is currently the deepest known place on earth. This place has some of the strangest lifeforms on earth and some of them look like they were from another planet or they look like they were right out of a nightmare.

53. Killing Fields

Located in Cambodia, this was where at least 1 million people were killed at the end of the Cambodian civil war. Today human bones can still be seen sticking out of dirt paths. And there are a bunch of human skulls with holes in them from where they were bludgeoned to death.

52. Death Zone, Mt. Everest

Located in Nepal, this place on mt. everest is on the higher altitudes of the mountain. It has a lack of oxygen, it has exhaustion, its extremely cold and it has climbing hazards. Many people have died here because of all of this and this place is also known as "rainbow valley" because of all of the different color coats dead climbers are wearing.

51. Bell witch cave

Located in Tennessee, this is a cave that is believed to be haunted by a spirit or a witch thats looking for its teeth. Legend says that the spirit began haunting the Bell family in 1817. Also in the 1800s it is said that the spirit attacked John Bell and his daughter, leaving them bruised. Today it is said that the in the cave there is said to be malfunctioning cameras, menacing voices, strange faces that appear during cave tours and more.

50. Chapel of Bones

Located in the Portugese city of Evora, this chapel was built in the 15th and 16th centuries. They built the chapel with bones because the cemeteries were overflowing at the time. And it is said that over 5,000 bones were used in the construction of the chapel. There are also two bodies hanging from ropes inside the chapel and one of them is a child.

49. Cambridge military hospital

Located in Englund, this hospital opened July 18, 1879. This hospital recieved casualties from the western front. And this hospital was closed on Feburary 2, 1996 because of the high cost of running the building and because of asbestos in the walls.

48. Buzludzha monument

This is an abandoned monument of the Bularian communist party. It opened in 1981 and it was abandoned in 1989. The building is a testament to the past and present of communist ideology. The building is also now covered in grafiti.

47. Jacob's well

Located in Texas, this is a swimming hole that goes deep underwater and has multiple underwater chambers. It is a dangerous place to dive in and 8 people have died while swimming deep into the caves of Jacob's well.

46. Abandoned psychiatric hospital

Located in Parma Italy, this abandoned hospital was made even more creepy when a Brazilian artist named Herbert Baglione added graffiti that was of ghostly figures.

45. West Virginia State Penitentiary

This is a former prison that is now believed to be haunted. 93 men were executed at this prison by hanging or other forms of execution. Ghost hunters have claimed to have witnessed a lot of paranormal activity here.

44. Cincinnati abandoned subway

Located in Ohio, these are incomplete and abandoned tunnels under cincinnati. Urban explorers and paranormal investigators visit this place.

43. Bermuda Triangle

Also known as the Devil's triangle, this place has had many strange things happening. This triangle has corners touching Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Through the years ships and air planes have mysteriously disappeared. There have been many guesses as to what happens at the Bermuda triangle, like UFOs, ghosts, sea monsters. Or what scientists believe, which is compass failure, violent weather and other explanations.

42. Leap castle

Located in Ireland, this castle is believed to be haunted. There are said to be many ghost sightings in the castle. One ghost is said to be a priest who was stabbed to death by his brother in the chapel in the 1530s. The chapel is now called the bloody chapel. The castle is also said to be haunted by an ancient creature called "the elemental", which is said to have a human like face with black pools for eyes and its said that it smells like rotting flesh. there is also a hole in the castle where prisoners were thrown into and left to die.

41. St. George's church

Located in the czech republic, this church was abandoned after the roof caved in on a funeral service in 1968. And in 2014 an artist created creepy ghostly figures inside and outside the church using white sheets and plaster.

40. Sanctuary of Tophet

Located in Carthage Tunisa, this place is where an ancient civilization committed child sacifices. It has over 20,000 Urns stuffed with the cremated ashes and bones of young children. The graves date back to the punic period of carthage.

39. City of the dead

Located in Russia,  this is a cemetery filled with stone crypts and the oldest crypts date back to the 16th century. The cemetery has almost 100 stone crypts. There are many myths and legends about this place. Local people in the were afraid to go to the cemetery in fear that they would not come out alive.

38. Actun Tunichil Muknal

Located in Belieze, this is a cave that has bones, ceramics and stonewhere. Most of the bones belong to children who were sacrificed. People speculate that there was a drought and the children were the first chosen to be sacrificed for the rain god.

37. Stanley hotel

Located in Colorado, this hotel was the inspiration for the Shinning. It is believed to be haunted, especially room 418. People have claimed to hear children playing in the corridors late at night and people have claimed to hear piano music in the empty ballroom.

36. Poveglia island

Located in Italy, this island is where sick people would go to be quarantined during the bubonic plague. There were so many people that died here, that they would burn the dead bodies. It is believed that over 100,000 people have died on this island. In the early 20th century there was an insane asylum on the island. It is said that one of the doctors at the asylum performed twisted experiments on patients. The doctor eventually jumped off of the bell tower and killed himself. The island is abandoned today and said to be haunted.

35. Varosha

This is an abandoned seaside resort located in cyprus. tHe resort was abandoned after turkish intervention in 1974. The people in the city fled for their lives. The turkish gained full control of varosha and fenced the entire city.

34. Oradour-sur-glane

Located in France, this village is believed to be haunted., On June 10, 1944 Nazi soldiers massacred 642 men, women and children and then destroyed the village. The French government declared that it should be a memorial site in 1946.

33. Bran castle
Also known as "Dracula's castle" this place is located in bran romania. This castle is known for its connections with Vlad the Impaler, who was the real life inspiration for Draculas. Inside the castle has a bunch of winding spiral staircases and low cavernous doorways. You can find a lot of creepy stuff in the market outside of the castle like vampire masks, blood red wine and wooden steaks.

32. Beelitz military hospital

Located in Germany, this hospital was first built to rehabilitate tuberculosis patients. It was eventually also used to treat wounded soldiers. A young Adolf Hitler went here to recover from a wound he received in World War 1. Today the abandoned halls of this hospital stand as a reminder to some of the darkest days in human history.

31. City Hall Subway station

Also known as the city hall loop, this New York subway station opened on October 27, 1904. Passenger service was disconnected on December 31, 1945. And because of that, the subway station has been abandoned ever since.

30. Bhangarh fort

Located in India, this place is illegal to visit at night. This place is also said to be haunted. Legend says that a magician cursed this place in the 16th century because he was rejected by the kingdoms princess. It is said that everyone who lived in the kingdom was cursed to death without the possibility of re birth.

29. Corvin castle

Located in transylvania, in this castle three turkish prisoners were beheaded after having to dig a well. the prisoners etched their names on the side of the well. They also etched a message that said "You now have water, but you don't have a soul". This castle also has dungeons, torture chambers and a Bear Pit that was used to dispose of prisoners while they were still alive.

28. Lake Natron

Located in Tanzania, this lake has been known to turn animals into what looks like stone, but its actually calcifying them. This is because of its high alkaline state and high temperatures. Also the lake is too salty for most animals to drink from. This place is also inhabited by lesser flamingos who are able to thrive in it.

27. Catacombs of the capuchins

Located in Palmero Sicily in southern Italy, these catacombs hold thousands of dead monks. The corpses of monks are visible to tourists. There are also bodies of other people who paid to be buried in these catacombs. The oldest corpse in the catacombs is of a monk who died in 1599.

26. Mutter Museum and Museum Vrolik

I put these two museums here at this spot because of how similar they are and I think that they are equally creepy. The mutter museum is located in Pennsylvania and this museum is home to many freaky medical anomoles. Such as multiple human skulls that have gone through many strange medical conditions. You can also see things like a massive human colon, medical tools that look more like torture devices, a corpse called the soap lady and more. you can just spend hours walking around and being disturbed by what you see. Museum vrolik is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. This museum is dedicated to weird and mutated human and animal anomolies, similar to the mutter museum.

25. Destitute cemetery city

Located in Guatemala, this is the cemetery where some of the poorest families have to bury their dead. Families must pay rent to make sure that their deceased family members and friends stay undisturbed. After the burial of their deceased loved ones, the families aren't charged for the first six years. But then after that, the families are $24 every year. And for those not able to make payments, their loved one's graves are stamped with red paint and the bodies are taken out of their graves, bagged and if they aren't picked up by their families, the bodies are thrown into mass graves.

24. Athens Lunatic Asylum 

Located in Ohio, this was a lunatic asylum where hundreds of patients were housed. There were many lobotomys that were carried out in this hospital as well. It is said that this place is haunted and there is even a permanent stain on the floor in one room from a dead woman who laid there. The stain was caused by decomposition and exposure to sun.

23. Shades of Death Road 

Located in warren country New Jersey, people don't completely know how this road got its name. There are many stories of people being brutally murdered near this road. There is also said to be ghostly figures that walk on the road at night.

22. Hanging coffins of Sagada

These are coffins that are hung on cliffs in the Philippines. Burrying people in coffins hung on cliffs is a tradition of the nativesthat live in the area that dates back 2,000 years. Some people say that natives believed that burrying their dead on cliffs brings them closer to heaven. But seeing a bunch of coffins just hanging on a cliff is very creepy.

21. Centralia

Located in Eastern Pennsylvania, this use to be a minning town. And in 1962, miners began burning a large chunk of trash from the landfill, but it was on top of very flammable coal. And unforchanately the fire spreaded throughout all of the mines in the town. People tried to put the fire out, but they all failed. Eventually most people abandoned the town and only a few people live there today. To this day the fire continues to burn and the smoke goes throughout the town, giving it an eeire ghostly look. This town was also the inspiration for the horror game "Silent Hill".

20. Jatinga

Located in Northern India, this village has a strange secret, every year from August to November from about 7-10 p.m birds fall out of the sky and kill themselves. It is unknown why this happens.

19. Overtoun bridge

Located in Scottland, this bridge has had creepy things happening for decades. Since the 1960s dogs have been jumping off of the bridge and killing themselves. The reason for this is unknown. and that's not all, in 1994 a man threw his baby son off of the bridge because he believed his son was the anti-christ. Some people think that there is something paranormal going on near this bridge. Scientist speculate that dogs might be jumping off of the bridge due to the scent of minks that's near the bridge.

18. Sedlec ossuary

This is a church located in the czech republic. The ground that this church stands on was sprinkled with holy water. Because of that, many people have claimed this place to be their final resting place. But because of a lack of space, in 1870 a priest decided to decorate the church with the bones of the people who have died.

17. Body Farm

Located in Tennessee, this is an area where scientists put human corpses to study them and pretend its a crime scene. This place has about 100 corpses just lying around at any time.

16. Akodessewa voodoo market

Located in Lomé, Togo, you can find almost anything you need for a voodoo ritual. This market has animal heada, voodoo dolls for someone you'd like to inflict pain on and other creepy stuff like that.

15. Kabayan Mummy Caves

Located in the Philippines, this place is a bunch of caves filled with mummies. There are many pods with mummies inside. These mummies are also some of the best preserved on earth and the mummies are each frozen in their death position.

14. The Catacombs and Mines of Paris 

I put both of these places here because of how similar they both are and I think that they're equally creepy. The catacombs of paris are filled with the bones of over 6 million people. Almost everywhere you look, you will see bones. There are some people who have unforchanately gotten lost down there and never found their way out. The mines of Paris are a bunch of abandoned underground mines in paris. And like the catacombs of paris, it is easy to get lost down there.

13. Hoia Baciu Forest

This forest is said to be the bermuda triangle of romania. Many strange things have claimed to have happened in this forest. People who have entered this forest have gotten random burns on their bodies, they've gotten nacheous, anxious or they've gotten migranes for unexplained reasons. There are many people who claim to have seen ghosts or UFOs in the forest. There is also said to be screams that can be heard at night, with no apparent source. And some of the tree trunks grow in deformed ways and some of the trunks show charred markings. Local lore claims that the devil lives in this forest as well.

12. Winchester Mystery House

Located in California, the resident of this place was Sarah Winchester. She was told that she was haunted by the victims of the Winchester riffles and she was also told that she had to build a house and never stop building. This place has staircases that lead up to the ceiling, corridors leading to nowhere, doors opening up to nothing and more. She did this to try to confuse the ghosts who she believed were haunting her. Construction ended when she died in 1920.

11. Eastern State Pennitentary

Located in Pennsylvania, this use to be one of the worst prisons in the world. It was operational from 1829 to 1971. Prisoners would be kept in solitary confinement and they would even put masks on prisoners whenever they were transported so that nobody could recognize their faces. Some prisoners would be forced to sit in the mad chair, where they would be strapped down and left there for days. Sometimes the straps were fasened so tight that limbs would have to be amputated because there was no circulation. Now the prison is abandoned and said to be haunted

10. Waverly Hills Sanitarium 

Located in Louisville Kentucky, this was a hospital that was built in 1910 to treat people for tuberculosis because of the tuberculosis epidemic in America at the time. Unfortunately most people who went there died. There were thousands of people who died there. There were so many dead bodies, that the people who worked in the hospital couldn't get them out fast enough and started to keep the bodies in the cold storage unit in the kitchen. It is now abandoned and people have claimed to see paranormal sightings here. One paranormal creature often reported is known as "the creeper", who is said to be a man with no face and who runs on all fours.

9. Matsuo Ghost Mine

Located in Japan, this was once one of the largest sulfur mines in the world. The mine was closed in the 1970s and the residents abandoned the town. There is a heavy mist that constantly goes through the area and people have claimed to see dark figures moving in the mist.

8. British sea forts

These sea forts were built so that the british could defend England from the Nazis during World War 2. Now these sea forts stand abandoned and as a creepy reminder of war. Also people have claimed to hear voices inside the forts.

7. Snake Island

Located in Brazil, this island is home to the Golden Lancehead. Which is a very dangerous snake and one of the most venomous snakes on earth. Its venom also melts flesh. It is estimated that there is a snake for every three square feet or one square meter on this island. Which also means that it is estimated that there is always a snake about three feet or one meter away from you.

6. Prague's old jewish cemetery

Located in Prague in the Czech Republic, cemeteries are already eeire to a lot of people and this isn't just one cemetery. It's 11 cemeteries built on top of each other. Jews weren't allowed to destroy Jewish tombstones and it was impossible to find new land, so people had to keep building more cemeteries on top. The oldest tombstone dates back to 1439.

5. Gunkanjima

Located in Nagasaki, Japan, this place is also known as Battleship island or Hasima island or the large vessel. Gunkanjima used to be a very large coal mining facility. But it is now abandoned and the buildings everywhere are falling apart.

4. Auschwitz

Located in Poland, Auschwitz was an extermination camp used by the Nazis during World War 2 to exterminate the Jews. It is said that millions of Jews, Soviet Soldiers and Gypsies have been gassed to death here.

3. Pripyat

Located in Ukraine, Pripyat is a city that was abandoned after a nuclear disaster in 1986. When nuclear radiation gets low, the government allows tourists to visit the abandoned city.
2. Aiokigahara forest 

Located at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan, this place is also known as suicide forest. This forest is one of the most popular places to commit suicide in the world. So many people have committed suicide here, that there have been signs scattered throughout the forest that say things like "life is precious" and "think of your family". also this forest has a lack of wildlife and is believed to be haunted.

1. The Island of the Dolls

Located in Mexico, the story behind this island is that a young girl died in a canal and then a doll washed to shore and the islands only resident Don Julian Santana Barera hung the doll in her memory. but then more dolls started washing to shore and he then hung those dolls as well in order to appease the spirit of the little girl, who he believed was haunting the island. He died in 2001 and he was found dead in the same canal that the little girl died in. Some tourists have claimed that they can hear the dolls whispering.



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