Top 100 Best Movie Villains

This is my list of what I think are the top 100 best movie villains.

100. Clarence Boddicker- RoboCop

99. General Zod- Superman movies

98. Doctor Octopus- Spider-man 2

97. Dr. Szell- Marathon Man 

96. Lil Ze- City of God

95. Bill- Kill Bill series 

94. Vincent- Collateral

93. Pennywise- It movies

92. Pinhead- Hellraiser series

91. Jigsaw- Saw series

90. Predator- Predator series

89. Count Orlok- Nosfeartu

88. Ivan Drago- Rocky IV

87. Roy Batty- Blade Runner

86. Captain Vital- Pan's Labyrinth 

85. Woo Jin Lee- Oldboy

84. Amy Dunne- Gone Girl

83. Alonzo Harris- Training Day

82. Hank Quinlan- Touch of Evil 

81. Tajomorau- Rashomon 

80. Arguirre- Arguirre, the Wrath of God

79. Cody Jarret- White Heat

78. Judge Doom- Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?

77. The Child Catcher- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

76. Auric Goldfinger- Goldfinger

75. Blofeld- James Bond movies

74. Harry Lime- The Third Man

73. Baby Jane Hudson- Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

72. The Evil Queen- Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs

71. Cruella Deville- 101 Dalmations

70. Ursula- The Little Mermaid

69. Jafar- Aladdin series

68. Judge Claude Frollo- The Hunchback of Notra Dame

67. Maleficent- Sleeping Beauty

66. Scar- The Lion King

65. Loki- Marvel cinematic universe

64. Magneto- X-men series

63. Thanos- Marvel cinematic universe

62. Don Logan- Sexy Beast

61. Biff Tannen- Back to the Future trilogy

60. Buffalo Bill- The Silence of the Lambs 

59. Saruman- The Lord of the Rings trilogy

58. Emperor Commodus- Gladiator

57. Dudley Smith- LA Confidential

56. staff Sergeant Barnes- Platoon

55. Phyllis Dietrichson- Double Indemity

54. Warden Norton- The Shawshank Redemption

53. pazuzu and Regan Mac Neil- the Exorcist series

52. Calvin Candie- Django Unchained

51. Frank- Once Upon a Time in the West

50. Tommy DeVito- Goodfellas

49. Mr. Blonde- Resovior Dogs

48. Colonel Kurtz- Apocalypse Now

47. Tyler Durden- Fight Club

46. Max Cady- Cape Fear movies

45. Gordon Gekko- Wall Street movies

44. Stansfield- Leon; The Professional

43. Tony Montana- Scarface

42. Francis Begbie- Trainspotting

41. Sauron- The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit trilogy

40. Agent Smith- The Matrix

39. Gollum- The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit trilogy

38. Khan- Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan

37. Hans Beckert- m 

36. The Wicked Witch of the West- The Wizard of Oz

35. Lord Voldemort- Harry Potter series

34. Leatherface- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

33. Count Dracula- Dracula movies

32. Bruce the shark- Jaws

31. Xenomorphs- Alien series

30. Jason Voorhees- Friday the 13th series

29. Michael Myers- Halloween series

28. Freddy Krueger- A Nightmare on Elm Street series 

27. John Doe- Se7en

26. Keyser Söze- Usual Suspects

25. Travis Bickle- Taxi Driver

24. Terminators- Terminator series

23. Reverend Harry Powell- The Night of the Hunter

22. HAL 9000- 2001 A Space Odyssey

21. Alex Forrest- Fatal Attraction

20. Emperor Palpatine- Star Wars series 

19. Hans Gruber- Die Hard

18. Patrick Bateman- American Psycho 

17. Frank Booth- Blue Velvet 

 16. Noah Cross- Chinatown

15. Mr. Potter- It's a Wonderful Life

14. Nurse Ratched- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

13. Alex DeLarge- A Clockwork Orange 

12. Annie Wilkes- Misery

11. Norman Bates- Psycho

10. Jack Torrance- The Shinning

9. Bill the Butcher- Gangs of New York

8. Hans Landa- Inglorious Basterds

7. Daniel Planview- There Will Be Blood 

6. Michael Corleone- The Godfather trilogy 

5. Darth Vader- Star Wars series

4. Anton Chigurh- No Country for Old Men

3. Amon Goeth- Schindler's List

2. Hannibal Lecter- Hannibal Lecter movies

1. The Joker- Batman movies


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